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LED LAMP | |||
发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:20 | |||
发 布 人:todaytex 发布人电子邮件:1407106692@qq.com 联系网址:http://www.todaytex.com |
公司:LED LAMP 国家:** 联系人:** 地址: GA_googleFillSlot("minglujiTop728x15"); This is an inquiry message about "LED LAMP" in the 106th China Canton Fair. (这是一条买家关于“LED LAMP"的询盘信息,来自第106届中国广交会。)Inquiry Message (询盘信息) GA_googleFillSlot("minglujiLeft336x280"); Inquiry Subject (询盘主题): LED LAMP Purchase Content (采购内容): Company Name: Unites Corporation Country: Ukraine. Business Type: Manufacturer E-mail: unites34@yandex.ru Tel/Fax: +38-0642-719499 Dear Sirs!! Our Company is interested in purchasing a huge quantity of Led Lamps. If you have Led Lamps: Model BHT–L1 Power 1W DC12V Model BHT–L3 Power 3W DC12V analogical models We ask you to inform us about: 1. Price of 1 unit from your factory. 2. Minimal consignment that we can purchase. 3. Delivery and payment conditions in accordance to INCOTERMS 2000. 4. Pricelist. 5. Your e-mail. Preferable language is Russian (at least English). With kind regards Vladimir. Unites Corporation. Date: 5.11.2008 I want to receive: Price Payment . Delivery Info . Product Catalog . Minimum Order . Inventory Info . Packing Info . Industry Category (行业分类)[b]Keyword (关键字): [/b]function enterIn(evt){ var evt=evt?evt:(window.event?window.event:null); if (evt.keyCode==13){ init();}} google.load('ads.search', '2'); function init(){var keyword = document.getElementById("keyword").value;var pageOptions = {'pubId' : 'pub-9094871827609791','query' : keyword}var adblock1 = {'container' : 'adblock1','number' : 6,'width' : 'auto','lines' : 2,'fontFamily' : 'arial','fontSizeTitle' : '14px','fontSizeDescription' : '14px','fontSizeDomainLink' : '14px','colorText' : '#000000', 'colorTitleLink' : '#0000ff', 'colorDomainLink' : '#008000', 'colorBackground' : '#ffffff', 'hl' : 'en','channel':'7619656165+8033862399','linkTarget':'_blank'};var adblock2 = {'container' : 'adblock2','number' : 6,'width' : 'auto','lines' : 2,'fontFamily' : 'arial','fontSizeTitle' : '14px','fontSizeDescription' : '14px','fontSizeDomainLink' : '14px','colorText' : '#000000', 'colorTitleLink' : '#0000ff', 'colorDomainLink' : '#008000', 'colorBackground' : '#ffffff', 'hl' : 'en','channel':'7619656165+8033862399','linkTarget':'_blank'};new google.ads.search.Ads(pageOptions, adblock1, adblock2);//document.getElementById("keyword").focus();document.getElementById("keyword").select(); } init(); Contact Info (联系信息) GA_googleFillSlot("minglujiRight336x280"); Contact Method (联系方式): Unites Corporation Vladimir unites34@yandex.ru +38-0642-719499 GA_googleFillSlot("minglujiBottom728x90"); 电话:** 传真: ** 邮箱:** 网址:** 采购本类产品及:** |