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Rabbit product | |||
发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:166 | |||
发 布 人:todaytex 发布人电子邮件:1407106692@qq.com 联系网址:http://www.todaytex.com |
公司:Rabbit product 国家:** 联系人:** 地址: This is an inquiry message about "Rabbit product" in the 107th China Canton Fair. (这是一条买家关于"Rabbit product"的询盘信息,来自第107届中国广交会。)Inquiry Message (询盘信息) Rabbit product Dear Sir I'm buying rabbit meat product, please let me know if your company is providing. The requirement: ***** meat product Spec 1. 1 kilogram 2. no head , no paw , no inners 3. 10 kg in the carton ***** head The spec of the Rabbit head: 1. no feather, no skin 2. no neck , no ear 3.100 gram -120 gram ***** package , we need 90 piece in one plastic and then pack in the carton. For rabbit head , I need 2 container per month, and 3 -4 containers per month for meat. Thank you. Country:Hong Kong Contact Info (联系信息) CompanyName:FlexConsult Company Limited Add:Suite 1111, Tower II, Silvercord, 30 Canton Road,, Tsimshatsui, Hong Kong Tel:852-852-31289616 Fax:852-852-31289616 Email:info@flexconsult.com.hk MSN:jessicang523@yahoo.com.hk LinkMan:Ms. Jessica Ng 电话:** 传真: ** 邮箱:** 网址:** 采购本类产品及:** |