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  Green PLug (Energy saving device)
  发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:4
发 布 人:todaytex    发布人电子邮件:1407106692@qq.com

公司:Green PLug (Energy saving device)
地址: This is an inquiry message about "Green PLug (Energy saving device)" in the 107th China Canton Fair. (这是一条买家关于"Green PLug (Energy saving device)"的询盘信息,来自第107届中国广交会。)Inquiry Message (询盘信息) Green PLug (Energy saving device) We have a product called a Green Plug which replaces existing plugs at the end of electrical devices. Our plugs carry the appropriate British safety standards, RoHS compliance, etc. which we can discuss later. These plugs allow products to automatically turn off after a predetermined time without any human intervention and also give added energy saving and safety benefits. Like a standard plug they do not consume any power and the consumer wires them in the same way. Green Plug is designed to switch off electrical appliances that are either accidentally left switched on or normally left on standby for long periods of time, Each Green Plug has an integrated air-driven timer function that switches off the power supply completely and automatically after a predetermined duration. Because it is air-driven you can be sure that the Green Plug and any connected appliances consume zero electricity when switched off. With a simple push of the plug, the built in timer starts a count-down and switches off the power completely after a predetermined duration. Plugs will be available with different pre-set durations. http://www.logicor.co.uk/project-green-plug.html Many Thanks Imran Patel I want to receive: Contact Info (联系信息) Logicor Ltd Imran Patel imran.patel@logicor.co.uk 1234-1222-7912391961
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